Brave browser vpn pc
Brave browser vpn pc

brave browser vpn pc

I’m talking about credit card info, business accounts, passwords, emails, and the list goes on. No matter how much of a tech-freak you think you are, some hacker out there can best your knowledge any time. Benefits of Using a VPN on BraveĪre you brave enough to access the web without proper precautions? If so, you shouldn’t be. That way, you’ll stay anonymous all the time and can surf the internet using public Wi-FI without having to look over your shoulder.

brave browser vpn pc

No matter what device you’re using, get a VPN, and connect before browsing the web using Brave. You don’t want your IP address leaked, do you now? Well, if you’re that considerate of your privacy, a VPN should be right next to you.

brave browser vpn pc

That means there’s that WebRTC leak issue. Another thing you should consider is that Brave is first and foremost Chromium-based, just like its competitor, Google Chrome.

Brave browser vpn pc